Check the Chip for Rosie Campaign
#TeamRosie is initiating a new Check the Chip for Rosie Campaign and we're hoping to enlist your support.
Here's what you need to know:
The research is clear that microchipped lost pets are 3X more likely to be returned to their owners than those that aren't - according to a new study by the Human Animal Support Services (HASS) conducted last year.
This gives us so much hope for Rosie and all the other lost pets that have been microchipped.
We're looking for as many ways as possible to get the word out to groomers, vets, the police, animal hospitals, shelters and more - to ask them to do a chip check when they see a pup for the first time, or a pup that they may have engaged with before, but haven't already checked for a chip.
This year National Check the Chip Day will be held on August 15th, 2024, and is sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).
Here's where we need your support. In the months leading up to Check the Chip Day we'd love to have your help to share Rosie's new campaign flyer locally and in other areas throughout the country, since it's possible that someone near or far has Rosie and doesn't know she's loved and lost.
Production date: June 2024
Size: Large flyer, PDF best for printing and email, JPEG best for online use.

Production date: June 2024
Size: Large poster, PDF best for printing and email, JPEGÂ best for online use.

Production date: June 2024
Size: Poster, PDF best for printing and email, JPEG best for online use.

Production date: June 2024
Size: Poster, PDF best for printing and email, JPEG best for online use.

Production date: June 2024
Size: Poster, PDF best for printing and email, JPEG best for online use.